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Your brand will thank you for networking in-person

Great info from KP test
(Your brand will thank you for networking in-person)

I’ve talked a lot over the years about getting out in the community and letting people see your face. Say hi to them and see how things are going. If you’re an account service person by trade, this is nothing new to you. But this era’s big electronic social media movement has stifled that thinking just a bit, I think. Too often I see and hear that hanging out in social community platforms like TikTok, Instagram and Facebook is enough. Well, it’s not. If you breakdown what social networking actually means, you’ll understand that the platforms on the internet are just that — platforms. Think of your community as another platform, one that you can’t afford to forget that can gain you exposure that you’ll never get on the internet. So don’t forget to physically network. Get out and see people. Say hello and let them know that there’s a real face behind that screen name. Your brand will thank you. Anyone can reach out to me and get my help. DM me at @keithparnell Keith is an accomplished keynote speaker, educator, and business consultant. His blog, KP Talks, at keithparnell.com is praised as one of the top marketing and technology blogs in the industry.Your brand will thank you for networking in-person appeared first at Keith Parnell.