Specials & Events

Today we celebrate National Scotch Day

Today we celebrate our Scottish friends and their delicious and unique spirit. Stop in today and let’s taste your favorite scotch whisky, and maybe find a few new favs.

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Observed each year on July 27, National Scotch Day celebrates the iconic whisky. In order to be considered scotch, this classy and distinctive spirit must be made in Scotland. It must be fermented from malted barley, aged in oak barrels for at least three years and have an ABV or alcohol content of less than 94.8%. While most scotch is made with barley, water and yeast; other grains can be included. All fermentation additives are excluded, per law. There are five distinct classifications of Scotch whisky including single malt scotch, single grain scotch, blended malt scotch, blended grain scotch and blended scotch. Scotch is often identified by the region where it was produced and each region has its own characteristics that influence taste. Despite scotch being made in Scotland, you can enjoy the spirit anywhere. Kilt not required.
-source: nationaltoday.com

Source: Hank’s Filling Station

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