Great info from KP
(78% of searches for your restaurant are on mobile devices)
According to Google, over 60% of searches these days are on mobile devices. And according to a recent study after examining hundreds of millions of search data records, U.S. mobile search is at 69%. That’s quite a turn-around over the past 5 years. That’s all well and good, but you really don’t care about searches for how to roll Mama’s hair. Well, in the restaurant business (food and beverage), the report shows that 78% of searches are done on mobile devices. That means over 3/4 of your customers are looking at your menu, requesting a reservation, and ordering online from their mobile device on your website. Are you ready for those mobile customers? Have you made those tech preparations with your website? Give me a shout and let’s run a quick check. Anyone can reach out to me and get my help. DM me at @keithparnell Keith is an accomplished keynote speaker, educator, and business consultant. His blog, KP Talks, at is praised as one of the top marketing and technology blogs in the industry.78% of searches for your restaurant are on mobile devices appeared first at Keith Parnell.