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Why Social Media is a necessity for your restaurant

Why Social Media is a necessity for your restaurant

Great info from KP.com
(Why Social Media is a necessity for your restaurant)

Why Social Media is a necessity for your restaurant Social media is vital to the success of your restaurant. Did you know that according to one study by Social Media Today, 30% of millennial diners actively avoid restaurants with a weak Instagram presence? You Can Build a Community. Using online accounts like Facebook, you can build relationships with current and potential diners. With high quality content, you drive engagement, build relationships, and enhance customer loyalty. You Can Keep Diners Up to Date. Another benefit to social media is you can let your followers know what’s going on — you can broadcast events, coupons / promos / specials, and let people know about new menu items. You Can Increase Brand Awareness. Through a consistent posting strategy, you can increase your restaurant’s reach by highlighting your menu items on your online accounts. You can target people in your community on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and TikTok. You Can Improve Your Restaurant. You can use social media to make improvements in your restaurant and enhance the overall customer experience. You see an Instagram or Facebook user posting about your restaurant. Perhaps they weren’t happy with their experience. You do two things in this interaction. First, you learn where you can change things for the better. Second, you have the opportunity to earn this customer’s repeat business. You Can Increase Website Traffic and Drive Business to Your Restaurant. By using social media posts and ads, you can encourage people to visit your website. Once there, they’ll either stop by for a meal, or they’ll use your online menu to order something to take home or be delivered. You Can Market Affordably. Social media is a marketing channel you really want to take advantage of because compared to other forms of marketing, social media is quite affordable. Whether you’re just posting organic content, or you have a social media ad budget, you’ll find that your dollar goes a long way here. You can grow your audience, drive traffic to your website and your restaurant, and increase your bottom line with the budget that works for you. Read the full article here from our friends at Restaurant Engine. We’re changing the way restaurants, bars, hotels, breweries, and cafés hire. Unlike generic job sites, JOTF was created for restaurant people, by restaurant people. Start posting your jobs for FREE today at JOBSONTHEFLY.COM Find Restaurant Jobs Near Me Find Bar Jobs Near Me Read more at keithparnell dot com