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Why restaurants should have a database in their back pocket

Why restaurants should have a database in their back pocket

Great info from KP.com
(Why restaurants should have a database in their back pocket)

Our marketing friends always tell us we should collect names, email addresses, phone numbers, etc. from every customer we come in contact with. Dine-in customers. Carry-out customers. Delivery customers. Visitors to our website. Customers making reservations. Everyone. I’ve recommended that to every restaurant — heck, almost every business of any type — along my years of doing this. That makes perfect sense, but how do we do that? You call a person like me, of course. We develop a system for you like Jobs On The Fly that masks itself as a job board for the hospitality industry (a damn good one!), but in reality is a CRM (customer relationship management) System, a Leads Tracking System, and a Customer Communications System all-in-one which can lead into a full-blown Human Resources, Accounting, and Payroll System. Let’s get into more of the why do this for your business: To keep track of customer data It is essential to have a database to keep track of customer data. This data can include contact information, preferences, bookings, and payments. A well-structured and managed database allows organizations to provide better customer service by having all of this information readily available. Additionally, databases can help organizations implement target marketing and promotional activity more effectively. To help businesses run more efficiently Having all the relevant information stored in one place allows staff to access it when needed quickly. This can save time and effort, especially during busy periods. In addition, databases can help to automate tasks such as reservations and payments, and improve operational efficiency in order to make better decisions. To manage inventory and pricing accurately Proper inventory tracking ensures that a business has the necessary supplies to meet customer demand. Tracking inventory levels allows businesses to avoid stockouts and overordering, leading to lost sales and unhappy customers. Pricing changes often in most business, depending on seasonality and special events. Keeping track of prices in a database can help businesses keep their pricing up-to-date, preventing them from accidentally charging too much or too little for a product or service. To provide insights into customer trends and behaviors One of the most important things you can do to ensure the success of your business is to understand your customers. Databases allow you to track customer purchases, preferences, and other behaviors over time, giving you a valuable resource for understanding what customers want and how they behave. By understanding your customers’ dreams, likes, and wants, you can more effectively target your marketing efforts, improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and boost overall profitability. When you have quick and easy access to accurate data, you can make better decisions on day-to-day activities and ultimately run a more profitable business. * photo courtesy of Andrea Piacquadio @ Pexels Anyone can reach out to me and get my help. DM me @keithparnell. Keith is an accomplished keynote speaker, visionary, and marketing & tech innovator. His blog, KP Talks, at keithparnell.com is praised as one of the top marketing and technology blogs in the industry. Read more at keithparnell dot com