Specials & Events

We’re Crushin’ It @ Hank’s today. Join us?

We’re Crushin’ It @ Hank’s today. Join us?

Great info from Hank’s Filling Station
(We’re Crushin’ It @ Hank’s today. Join us?)

There’s only one Home of the Orange Crush in Norfolk. That’s your favorite hang out spot, Hank’s Filling Station. Stop by this weekend and a enjoy a cool-and-refreshing orange crush with us for 6 bucks. We have other flavors too, just ask one of our team. See you shortly! Stop in to enjoy the day in our backyard* or give us a quick call at 757-351-3941 for takeout or hit us online at HANKSONTHEGO.COM for food delivery. We’ll have your hot deliciousness ready for you.   *Please observe appropriate social distancing in accordance with Virginia Reopening Guidelines.