Great info from Cogans Pizza North
(There’s a run on seltzers today! Get your fix on.)
I am a seltzer. Do you love me: Yes or No? If you answered Yes, today is your lucky day. We’re dealin’ out seltzers for 3 bucks starting at 4pm. If you answered No, that’s okay. Happy hour starts at 11am with special prices on domestic brews, well drinks and buckets o’ goodness. Stop by and let’s chill together to kick off the weekend! Friday Special @ North: $1 off desserts 4-10pm, $3 seltzers 4-9pm. Happy Hour @ North: Mon-Fri, 11am-7pm. $2.25 domestics, $3.50 well drinks, $4 Aventinus, $12 buckets of PBR or Rolling Rock, $1 off all other drafts, bottles, and liquors. Cocktails and pitchers not included. *Dine-in only. Stop in to enjoy the day in Cogans Park or hit us online at COGANSPIZZA.COM for takeout and delivery. We’ll have your hot deliciousness ready for you. The Best Pizza in the Galaxy! #seltzer #myNorth #CogansPark #wings #garlicknots #pizza #northcolley #noco #colleyave #norfolk #norfolkva #ghenteats #cogans #cogansnorth #coganspizza #pizzajoint #pizzadelivery #pizzalover #whowantspizza #pizzaforlife #norfolkpizzaThe post There’s a run on seltzers today! Get your fix on. first appeared on Cogans Pizza North.