Great info from Cogans Pizza Ghent
(Slices and Flights — a night to remember)
Are you and the boyz looking for somewhere to hang tonight? With slices for a buck and flights for five bucks. Cogans is your spot! Stop in to enjoy the day on the best patio in Ghent. We’ll have your hot deliciousness ready for you. Thursday Specials @ OG: Dollar Slice Night 4-7pm. Cogans cheese or pepperoni single slices. Requires minimum beverage purchase.*Dine-in only. $5 Flight Night 4-9pm, no drafts over $7. *Dine-in only. For Spaceman Strength & Endurance, Eat at Cogans! #dollarslice #flightnight #myOG #CogansPatio #wings #garlicknots #pizza #ghent #norfolk #ghentnorfolk #norfolkva #ghenteats #cogans #coganspizza #cogansghent #pizzajoint #pizzadelivery #pizzatime #pizzalover #whowantspizza #pizzaforlife #norfolkpizzaThe post Slices and Flights — a night to remember first appeared on Cogans Pizza Ghent.