Great info from Hank’s Filling Station (Rockin’ Music Match Bingo Saturday)
Love music? Love bingo? Stop in Saturday and let’s test your skillz to see how much you know. Music bingo is each Saturday at 4:30pm in the backyard. Be here!
MUSIC MATCH BINGO — Love music? Love bingo? Try our Music Match Bingo by Wicked Wizard Games!
Here’s how it works: Players are given a bingo sheet with 2 different bingo cards on them and a pen. Our host plays a 30-40 second snippet of a song and the players must determine the name of the artist for the song; they then mark their bingo card appropriately. We do 6-8 games per show and award prizes for each winner!
We have over 60 genres of games including: 80s, 90s, rock, pop, hip hop, country, TV theme songs and even Disney!