Great info from Cogans Pizza North
(Pizza Celebrations all month long)
It’s still summer. And it’s still Independence Day month. Let’s keep this party going with our red, white, and blue special — Fourth of MyPie (butter with tomato stricia base, ricotta, blueberries, and salami). Delicious! Call us at 757-627-6428 and we’ll get your pizza started for you. Stop in to enjoy the day in Cogans Park or give us a quick call at 757-627-6428 for takeout or hit us online at COGANSPIZZA.COM for food delivery. We’ll have your hot deliciousness ready for you. The Best Pizza in the Galaxy! #myNorth #CogansPark #wings #garlicknots #pizza #northcolley #noco #colleyave #norfolk #norfolkva #ghenteats #cogans #cogansnorth #coganspizza #pizzajoint #pizzadelivery #pizzatime #pizzalover #whowantspizza #pizzaforlife #norfolkpizzaThe post Pizza Celebrations all month long first appeared on Cogans Pizza North.