Great info from Cogans Pizza North (Firkin Friday with Chaos Mountain Brewing)
Our friends from Chaos Mountain Brewing will be in the house today @ 6pm for Firkin Friday. Stop in to see what they’re featuring this time around. What’s your favorite craft brew from the Callaway brewer? Agents of Chaos Belgian Dark Strong Ale? Mad Hopper IPA? Squatch Ale Scotch Ale? 3 Mad Chefs Belgian-style Quadruple? Edge of the Sun Mexican-style Golden Lager?
#FirkinFriday #ChaosMountain #craftbeer #odu #wings #garlicknots #pizza #northcolley #noco #colleyave #norfolk #norfolkva #ghenteats #cogans #cogansnorth #coganspizza #pizzajoint #pizzadelivery #pizzatime #pizzalover #whowantspizza #pizzaforlife #norfolkpizza